Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Mawsmai Cave at Cherrapunji

Khasi Hills are partly formed of limestone. As this area gets some of the heaviest rains in the world, here form numerous caves. Mawsmai Cave is just one of more than 200 caves in this area and it is comparatively short - approximately 250 m. But this is very beautiful cave, richly adorned with stalactites, stalagmites, columns and layered with sparkling calcite crystals.

Entry in the cave leads through rather narrow vertical opening. First - old - part of the cave is lighted, it contains several larger rooms including Mughal Room - more than 25 m wide, 25 m high and some 75 m long.

Further on there is the so called "new" part which does not have lighting. Inside the cave there is a "window" opening upwards, with jungle in sight.  Locals tell that caves were discovered by their hunters who hunted down animals living in this cave.

Maw Smai in Khasi language means - "Oath stone". Most likely this name comes from one of local megalythic monuments - Khasi land is very rich with them.

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